Between the internet, blogosphere and twitter, I'm constantly running into the emerging pastor and emerging Christian writing that Christians should be known more for what they are for than what they are against. These diatribes are usually packed with examples of Christians defending doctrinal positions or Christians standing up for the a conservative position on social issues such as abortion or homosexuality. The point is usually this: We would do a lot better job representing Christ if people would just relax when it comes to defending the faith or holding the line on moral behavior. Those of us that believe that it's important to be believing the right things and not just sincere in our beliefs are often branded as Christians that are against stuff.
Well, I have a few questions to ask to these emerging pastors and Christians. Why are you against defending the faith that was once delivered to the saints? (Jude 3) Why are you against striving to maintain pure doctrine?(I Timothy 4:16) Why are you against testing all things and holding fast to what is good? (I Thessalonians 5:21) Why are you against mourning over the terrible sin in the church? (I Corinthians 5:2)
The problem with trying to be all things to the world is that while you are trying to be accepted by the world you put yourself at odds with the very gospel you claim to represent. The Bible exhorts us as believers with a different approach. Ephesians 4:15 encourages us to speak the truth in love. It doesn't mean we don't speak the truth. It means that we speak that truth to a lost world with the love of Christ flowing from our hearts. For the harsh Christian, keep your mouth closed until you are motivated to open it in love. For the Christian worried about how the truth will sound to an unbelieving world, please understand that Jesus made exclusive claims and exhortations to the crowds that had come for a free meal and exciting teaching, and they walked away because what He said to them was hard.
We are called to be the type of Christians that correctly represent Jesus, and that means there will be times when we speak the truth in love that it comes across like we are exclusive or against this or that.
My fear is that there is growing "Christian" population that is so afraid of being labeled as being against anything, that they have positioned themselves against the very things that Christ proclaimed and stood for. With the criteria I've seen lately some emerging Christians may have to ask Jesus why He is against "other' ways to God?
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